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Shopping in the Huygenskwartier

The Huygenskwartier in Voorburg is a charming, authentic shopping area with a rich history. Here you will find unique boutiques and specialty stores for the latest fashion trends, fun accessories, kids clothing and the daily groceries. You’ll most definitely find everything you need!

Shopping around the Julianabaan

The numerous shops along the Julianabaan in Voorburg have everything one could wish for. In this characteristic part of Voorburg you can fully submerge yourself for a fun day of shopping.

Shopping in Westfield Mall of the Netherlands

Grand, yet intimate, bustling, yet spacious: Westfield Mall of the Netherlands is all of this, and much more. In this spectacular mall, an afternoon of shopping easily extends into a fun night out. Experience international allure with a Dutch twist!

Shopping in Leidschendam Centre

Great architecture, great atmosphere: these are just two of the many good reasons to visit Leidschendam Centre.

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Startling activities

Shopping in Westfield Mall of the Netherlands

Grand, yet intimate, bustling, yet spacious: Westfield Mall of the Netherlands is all of this, and much more. In this spectacular mall, an afternoon of shopping easily extends into a fun night out. Experience international allure with a Dutch twist!

Camping Noorthey

Camping Noorthey has luxury camping places and two apartments and is a fantastic starting point for cycle rides and walks through fields, woods and dunes. Here you can relax and enjoy the gorgeous nature!