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Central Park Voorburg

At boutique hotel Central Park Voorburg, romance is always in the air. Housed in a national monument with a beautifully designed interior, the hotel provides a special holiday atmosphere. The restaurant also offers a very impressive selection of dishes.

Hospitality around De Vliet

After a fun day out in Leidschendam-Voorburg, you may feel like getting a drink and a bite to eat! No problem, because around De Vliet you will find lovely hospitality outlets for every occasion!

Culinary outlets along the Julianabaan

Whether you feel like enjoying a long lunch or a bite to take home: the Julianabaan has it all. Here you can buy the most delicious food from one of the unique stalls, big chains or at the supermarket.

Restaurant Waterfront

At Restaurant Waterfront, you can eat delicious dishes looking out over the water. In the peaceful ambiance of the restaurant, you truly feel that you are surrounded by nature, yet not far from the bustling city of Leiden.

Hospitality in Huygenskwartier

There is a wide range of hospitality outlets in the historic and characteristic centre of Voorburg. The shopping area Oud-Voorburg contains numerous shops, hospitality outlets and other activities in a unique historic setting.

Neherpark Leidschendam

One of the most characteristic buildings in Leidschendam is definitely the Neherlaboratory. It’s now slightly hidden behind modern apartments, when viewed from the J.S. Bachlaan, but the complex still dominates the neighbourhood with its characteristic tower.

Hospitality in Stompwijk

De Bles is a contemporary, modern business in a historic building with a rich history. De Bles has a very accessible atmosphere and is renowned for the quality of its food and friendly service.

Hospitality in Mall of the Netherlands

The Westfield Mall of the Netherlands has 18 unique restaurants, each with its own unique style and flavours. Whether you’re in for a tasty hamburger or an Indian vegan meal: the mall has something for everyone.

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Startling activities

Neherpark Leidschendam

One of the most characteristic buildings in Leidschendam is definitely the Neherlaboratory. It’s now slightly hidden behind modern apartments, when viewed from the J.S. Bachlaan, but the complex still dominates the neighbourhood with its characteristic tower.

Windsurfvereniging Vlietland

Windsurfvereniging Vlietland the place to learn or improve your wind surfing! As a real windsurf lover, you will find everything you need at this club. The club also organises lots of fun activities.