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Golfbaan Sportpark De Star

The 18 holes Pitch & Putt golf course at Sportpark de Star is one of the best Pitch & Putt golf courses in the Netherlands! On the Pitch & Putt course, you don’t need a golf pass, which makes it an ideal location for business meetings or playing golf with the whole family.

Boot- en kanoverhuur De Merenburger

For over 90 years, De Merenburger has been renting out rowboats, fishing boats, motorboats, boat trailers and canoes. And from De Merenburger, it’s just ten minutes to Recreatiegebied Vlietland.

Storm Aquapark Vlietland

Storm Aquapark Vlietland offers adventurous and fun entertainment for children of all ages. At the Aquapark, there are trampolines, an inflatable parkour on the water with several options for climbing and sliding, a volleyball circuit and much more.

Zwembad De Fluit

Enjoy swimming with your family, your friends or just solo at Zwembad De Fluit. For years, the pool has been a real household name in the region!

Climbing park Het Klimeiland

The climbing circuit at Het Klimeiland consists of 50 climbing obstacles and 10 cable cars. There is even a cable car of over 100 metres long. The climbing circuit offers both beginning and advanced climbers a real challenge.

Recreatiegebied Vlietland

The 300-hectare Vlietland recreational area is one of the biggest and most attractive areas for water sports and recreation in the Netherlands! The heart of Vlietland is consists of three lakes, surrounded are woods, streams, fields and a gorgeous park.

Kano- en bootverhuur Vlietland

Around Vlietland, there are several lovely canoe routes. Whether you want to paddle through the streams for an hour or explore the gorgeous Vlietland route: it's all possible at Kano- en bootverhuur Vlietland.

Opa's Veldje

The big playing field at Opa's veldje offers plenty of space to play football or just run around. And in the neighbouring playground, the children will have a great time.

Watersportvereniging Leidschendam en omstreken

Watersportvereniging Leidschendam & omstreken is on the outskirts of Vlietland recreational area, right along the Vliet and in the middle of the Randstad. The perfect start, stop or resting place for a boat trip through the region!

Zwembad Forum Kwadraat

Zwembad Forum Kwadraat is especially for people who like to exercise in the water or want to learn how to swim (better). With the support of several funds, the swimming pool organises sporty afternoons, interesting courses and fun training activities for all ages!

Buitenplaats Molenwei

Nature and recreational farm Buitenplaats Molenwei is working on a future-proof countryside where everyone is welcome. Together with ambassadors, professionals and organisations, they create multiple values, both ecological, social, sustainable and recreational. There’s always something cultural, sporty or games-related going on at the various event locations on the site. Which makes the estate a special […]

Windsurfvereniging Vlietland

Windsurfvereniging Vlietland the place to learn or improve your wind surfing! As a real windsurf lover, you will find everything you need at this club. The club also organises lots of fun activities.

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Startling activities

Central Park Voorburg

At boutique hotel Central Park Voorburg, romance is always in the air. Housed in a national monument with a beautifully designed interior, the hotel provides a special holiday atmosphere. The restaurant also offers a very impressive selection of dishes.

Poldergemaal De Antagonist

At Poldergemaal De Antagonist, you experience a typical piece of Dutch history. The former steam pumping station was built in 1882. After its restoration at the start of this century, the polder pumping station became a museum where the history of the region really comes to life!