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Recreatiegebied Nieuwe Driemanspolder

The Nieuwe Driemanspolder is, as the name suggests, a new recreation area that connects with the Westerpark and the Buytenpark in Zoetermeer.

Recreatiegebied Vlietland

The 300-hectare Vlietland recreational area is one of the biggest and most attractive areas for water sports and recreation in the Netherlands! The heart of Vlietland is consists of three lakes, surrounded are woods, streams, fields and a gorgeous park.

Audio Tour Leidschendam-Voorburg

The Municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg has a rich history. Take the Leidschendam-Voorburg Audio Tour on a walking tour of the town and learn all about the special locations in the municipality.

Vogelplas Starrevaart

Vogelplas Starrevaart is located southwest of the Vlietland recreation area. This is a particularly attractive area for the many birds that visit the lake looking for food, and a place to nest and rest. So, the ideal spot for birdwatchers!

Natuurgebied Duin Horst en Weide

Duin Horst & Weide is a wonderful area for recreation and relaxation. Between the cities of Leiden, The Hague and Zoetermeer, Duin Horst & Weide offers a peaceful and spacious environment with lots of variety.

Huize Middenburg

Huize Middenburg is a very special building. The 17th century house is hidden behind the trees and shrubs. Around Huize Middenburg, you can enjoy walks in one of the two parks and relax on the grass.

Treasures along De Vliet

Leidschendam-Voorburg has so much to offer. Why not explore everything during a lovely walk or bike ride through the region?

Natuurgebied Leidschendammerhout

In Natuurgebied Leidschendammerhout, Highland cattle grazes near the ponds and birds nest in the trees. In this extensive nature area, there are endless possibilities for walks and horseback rides. With the many kilometres of footpaths and bridlepaths, there’s a lot to experience for people and horses.

Park Vreugd en Rust

The former estate Vreugd en Rust in Voorburg is now a public park with great amenities. Here you can go for long walks and enjoy the peace and quiet among all the greenery!

Voorburg sculpture route

During this walk, admire 35 beautiful artworks and walk the special route through idyllic Voorburg.

Molendriegang Leidschendam

In the 17th century, seven mills were built in Stompwijk to drain the surrounding polders. The northernmost three were preserved. For lovers of photography, Dutch views and walks past historic locations, the Molendriegang is the place to be.

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Startling activities

Camping Vlietland

Camping Vlietland is a friendly, car-free family campsite in Recreatiegebied Vlietland, in the heart of the Randstad and on the outskirts of Het Groene Hart. Enjoy city, water and the walking and cycle routes nearby.

Bibliotheek aan de Vliet Leidschendam

The Bibliotheek aan de Vliet Leidschendam is full of books for readers of all ages. Whether you like literature, architecture, history or biology: here you will find interesting books about any theme you can think of.